Careerist Review (2023): Scam or Legit? A Must-Read!

(I believe in full transparency. To support our blog, we may use affiliate links in this post, but rest assured that they will not affect our honest review.)

Careerist Review: How much doe sit cost? Is it worth the money? What alternatives are worth considering?

If you’re looking for a Careerist review, make sure you read this article until the end. After all, it costs a significant amount of money for every program it offers.

We’re going to discuss everything about this platform in detail, including its major pros and cons. I have also featured some users review that you must take a look at.

I believe that by the end of this article, you will have figured out whether investing in Careerist is worth it or if you should look for alternatives. (Don’t worry, at the end I’ll also make a head-to-head comparison between Careerist and other similar platforms, such as CourseCareers.)

So, be sure to read the article until the end so that you won’t miss anything important. You may also take a look at our Table of Contents and jump to a specific topic that you’re more interested in.

(Before I dive into this Careerist review, I must tell you that I’m affiliated with this company, but I’ll be very honest with my review. After all, I believe that providing reliable information and building trust with my readers is the only thing that will help me to grow more.)

Let’s start with a basic question…

What is Careerist?

Careerist review: Is it worth the money in 2023

Careerist is an online learning and boot camp platform primarily built for job seekers in technical fields without a technical background.

The platform provides training and essential skills in in-demand tech fields and further helps you get a job quickly. It offers programs in a total of six fields: Manual QA, QA Automation, QA Bundle, Sales Engineering, UI/UX Design, and Data Analytics, all of which are currently growing and in-demand industries.

(Later, we’ll review each of their programs also and whether they are worth investing in or not.)

Its programs include free consultations, live classes, real-world internships, 1:1 career coaching, and career guidance to help you find a job. The platform also claims to guarantee job placement or offer a refund (however, many users complain that the refund claim does not work).

Speaking about the platform’s founding, Careerist was established in 2019 by Ivan Tsybaev, Max Glubochansky, and Max Gusakov. It is based in Sunnyvale, California, and the company was part of Y Combinator’s spring 2021 cohort.

Now, let’s discuss who would benefit the most from this type of training platform…

Who is Careerist best for?

In my opinion, Careerist is not a good fit for every learner. If you simply want to develop additional skills without seeking a job or building a career in that field, I would suggest trying other platforms or courses. This is because the platform’s training is primarily geared towards helping you secure employment.

In general, I believe Careerist is best suited for:

  • Individuals who want to start a career in new and tech-related fields without any prior knowledge or experience.
  • People who wish to transition their careers into fields such as Sales Engineering, QA Automation, or others they are passionate about learning and working in.

I’ll also suggest that if money is tight for you, you should explore other training platforms that I’ll also feature at the end.

Now, if you believe this boot camp could be the right fit to pursue a career in a tech field that interests you and you can bet on its prices, hold on!

Let’s review each of its programs and see what skills you would learn if you pursue them.

Careerist Programs and Costs:

As mentioned earlier, Careerist provides training in a total of 6 in-demand tech fields, which are: Manual QA, QA Automation, QA Bundle, Sales Engineer, UI/UX Design, and Data Analytics.

Let’s go through the main programs one by one and discuss how good those programs are, how much they cost, and, most importantly, whether they offer value for money or not.

Manual QA:

If you enjoy testing any new app or any software, you might want to be a Manual QA. If you don’t have much information about this industry, allow me to give you an overview:

Manual Quality Assurance (QA) is a fundamental software testing approach where human testers execute test cases to identify defects and ensure the quality of a software application. 

You may be surprised to know that Manual QA does not require any prerequisites or a college degree, yet you may earn a handsome amount of money. Now, it may sound like an easy job, but it requires a lot to learn.

Careerist offers a 3-month program for Manual QA, which may include 7 weeks of training, 3 weeks of internship, and a couple of weeks of mentorship. Before you ask, I must tell you the internship is organized by the platform itself and a few of its partners.

This Manual QA program includes a total of 8 modules where you can learn from the foundations to an advanced level of testing. I’m really surprised to see their course content. The program literally teaches you all the essential concepts of Manual QA, different types of testing, and writing test cases.

Apart from software testing, the program also covers web testing and mobile testing in-depth. You will also get hands-on experience with tools like Chrome Inspector, BrowserStack, and Chrome DevTools networking features for server testing.

In the advanced testing, you will learn about Databases and SQL from basics. The last module is all about clearing your doubts, and asking questions to instructors about jobs and careers in this industry.

How much does this program cost?

The Careerist Manual QA program costs you $4900 if you decide to pay the full amount or, if you prefer to pay in installments, it may cost you $6,400.

Now, if you’re wondering whether the cost is worth it, please note that Careerist often offers significant discounts on all its programs. You can continue to visit their website or sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about these discounts.

In my opinion, the course material is excellently designed, and I wholeheartedly recommend it for learning. While it may be a bit pricey, you may also find employment opportunities through this program.

I say this after comparing it to other Manual QA course prices. For instance, there is an alternative offered by Beatroot Academy. This program is structured similarly, covers almost the same course content, but costs only €1,300. The only drawback is that it doesn’t claim a job guarantee and lacks advanced testing skills training.

If your goal is solely to learn Manual QA, I suggest considering this alternative to build your skills from the ground up. However, if you aspire to build a career in QA, I may recommend going with Careerist’s QA bundle program or QA Automation program.

QA Automation:

While manual QA involves human testers executing tests manually, QA automation involves using scripts and tools to automate testing processes.

As explained earlier, manual QA is effective for exploratory and user-centric testing. On the other hand, automation is efficient for repetitive and regression testing, which is proven to provide faster results and broader coverage.

In fact, from a career and salary perspective, QA automation has a better future and growth potential.

However, to better understand and excel in QA automation, you must have significant knowledge about manual QA and basics of coding, such as SQL, which one would also learn in manual QA.

Now let’s discuss how good the Careerist Automation program is and whether it’s worth pursuing…

The QA automation testing offered by Careerist is also taught by industry experts who already work for giant companies such as META, Reddit, and others.

This program is designed for 24 weeks of learning and includes only six modules. In the very first module, you’ll master Python programming, which is considered the foundation for automation testing.

The second module will provide you with theoretical knowledge about QA automation, what it is, what it is used for, and other basic but essential concepts. You’ll also learn about locators and common webdriver commands, Git basics, and will likely create your first test case, where you might make plenty of mistakes. Don’t worry! The instructors will guide you at every step.

(In case you’re not familiar with Git, it’s a free and open-source version control system often used for software development to manage source code and coordinate work between programmers.)

Furthermore, in the next modules, you’ll learn about web testing from basics to an advanced level, algorithmic problem-solving techniques, mobile testing, and other concepts that are essential for automation testing. You will also be introduced to some tools and applications that are useful in testing.

Finally, in the last module, you’ll receive job and career guidance from the instructors, which can be a valuable lesson for starting a career in this industry. You’ll have a Q&A session where you can ask anything about the industry and whatever you have learned throughout the program.

How much does this program cost?

You will be surprised to know that this program costs you less than its Manual QA program. For the QA Automation program, Careerist costs only $4,900 when paying upfront and $5,600 if you prefer a convenient financial plan.

Do you think the cost is high?

I don’t think so! You see, automation testing is one of the high-demand industries right now. If you’re planning to switch your career to automation engineering, this program can be valuable for you.

Upon exploring other platforms that also provide QA Automation training, I found that they have lower prices, but I was not very satisfied with their teaching and course content. All was filled with only basic stuff.

If you’re good at Manual QA and see a better future in automation testing, you may go with this program. However, if you just want to test the waters and learn the basics of software testing to see if this industry works for you, you may opt for the specialization program on Coursera.

QA Bundle:

Careerist also offers a QA Bundle program, which includes both programs: Manual QA and QA Automation. If you aspire to pursue a career in the QA industry and are inclined to learn QA comprehensively, from the basics to an advanced level, this program can be a perfect fit for you.

This program is designed to cover almost all the major topics you need to master in the QA industry. It may take a longer duration, approximately 10 months, to complete the program.

I have already discussed what the QA Manual and QA Automation programs include. This program is essentially a combination of both. In addition to these two courses, it also includes supplementary lessons on SQL.

The best part is that this program includes two internships, which can be invaluable for gaining experience in the industry.

Now, let’s talk about the cost…

How much does this program cost?

Well, this QA bundle program offered by Careerist costs a significant amount of money. It is priced at $6900 when you make the upfront payment. Alternatively, if you choose the financial assistance plan or monthly payment option, it may cost you $9,000.

In my opinion, the cost is high. While the program offers substantial value, coming up with $69,00 upfront is not an easy investment, don’t you think?

If you have both the financial means and a strong desire to learn, you may consider this program. However, if you’re on a budget, I’d suggest gaining hands-on experience in QA Manual from other platforms first, and then you can explore Careerist’s QA automation program.

If you are still keen on learning from Careerist, you might want to search for discounts. Keep visiting their website or sign up for our newsletter if you’re looking for significant savings on this program.

Sales Engineering:

This is one of the most enrolled courses on Careerist. In fact, while researching for a Careerist review and examining the users who have taken any program on this platform, I found that most of the users had graduated with the Careerist Sales Engineering Certificate.

This is because there are very few training programs available in Sales Engineering. In case you’re not familiar with what sales engineering is all about, let me quickly give you an overview.

Sales Engineering is a role that combines technical expertise with sales skills. Sales engineers help bridge the gap between a company's products or services and potential customers by providing technical explanations and solutions to meet customer needs, ultimately facilitating sales.

Now, let’s talk about the Careerist Sales Engineering training program

This is a very short-duration training program, lasting only 9 weeks, with 6 weeks dedicated to learning and 3 weeks for internship.

Furthermore, the program is designed to be accessible to all learners. It does not require any prior knowledge, a college degree, or a technical background.

The instructors are highly qualified and teach from the basics, starting with an introduction to sales engineering and mindset training before delving into technical topics.

In fact, within the 6 modules, 2 are dedicated to sales training, where you’ll learn about product demos, chalk talks, communication, CRM, and customer negotiations.

The last 2 modules are dedicated to technical training, where you will learn about major tech topics such as IT, software design and development, cloud computing, networking, and security, all of which are essential for gaining a deep understanding of sales engineering.

Finally, similar to other programs, you’ll receive career guidance, and interview skills training, and become a job-ready candidate.

How much does this program cost?

Now, if you want to be a tech-savvy salesperson and envision a better future in Sales Engineering, you may want to consider pursuing this training program. If so, allow me to provide you with information about its cost…

For this training program, Careerist will cost you $4,620 when you make a one-time payment. If you choose a different pricing plan, the cost may increase to $5,610.

While the cost may seem high, it’s important to note that it includes a wide range of technical subjects such as IT, Cloud Computing, Security, and more, which can be challenging to find in other sales engineering programs.

For instance, Course Careers also offers a Tech Sales Course that costs only $499 (with a one-time payment), but it focuses solely on teaching sales skills, CRM, and Sales Data tools.

If you already possess a technical background and have a decent knowledge of leading tech fields such as cybersecurity, cloud computing, and networking, or if you simply want to learn sales skills, you may opt for Course Career’s sales programs.

However, if you aim to acquire technical skills, which are crucial for mastering Sales Engineering, I recommend choosing Careerist. You can also consider making payments in installments to gauge your enjoyment of the course.

Furthermore, you can take advantage of occasional discounts offered by Careerist to save significantly on this program. To stay updated on these discounts, you may choose to subscribe to our newsletter.

UX/UI Design Course:

UX/UI is one of the most in-demand industries in 2023. UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) design are critical aspects of creating digital products.

In case you're not familiar, UX focuses on enhancing user satisfaction by improving usability and accessibility, while UI focuses on the visual and interactive elements, ensuring a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing user interface. Together, they shape the overall user experience.

After experiencing several UX/UI design courses myself, I’ll share more details about those courses later. For now, let’s discuss Careerist’s UX/UI training program.

Careerist offers a 22-week UX/UI design training program where you’ll learn user experience from beginner to advanced level.

Having reviewed the course content and what they teach, I must reiterate that the course curriculum is excellent. It covers everything from building a strong foundation in user experience to teaching low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes. The platform addresses many important topics.

Furthermore, you’ll gain valuable hands-on experience with tools like Figma and others. However, the course does not include instruction on Adobe XD, which is a widely used design tool.

Throughout the program, you’ll be tasked with creating case studies and developing presentation skills. Finally, the platform provides career guidance in the field of UI/UX to prepare you for a job.

Overall, the training program is well-designed and worth considering. However, it’s worth noting that the cost is somewhat high.

How much does this program cost?

For the UX/UI design course, the Careerist program costs $4,900 when you make a one-time payment. If you choose a different financing option, the cost will reach $5,600. However, if you take advantage of a discount, the cost will decrease significantly.

When compared to the General Assembly UX design course, which costs over $10,000 to $15,000, Careerist’s cost is very low. Nevertheless, I still find the cost to be a little high.

As I mentioned earlier, I have reviewed several UI/UX Design courses, and they cost comparatively less while providing you with similar knowledge. These courses include the Google UI/UX Design Professional Certification.

While these courses do not include live classes or provide any internship and job guarantee after completion, based on my personal experience, I can confidently say that if you take any of these courses seriously, you will increase your chances of getting hired.

In fact, the Google UX Design Professional Certificate is specifically designed to prepare you for an entry-level job in the user experience industry.

Data Analytics:

This is the last training program offered by Careerist, and it’s an in-demand course that anyone can pursue.

In case you don't know, data analytics is all about collecting and examining data to uncover useful insights and make informed decisions. Imagine you have a big puzzle (data), and data analytics helps you arrange the pieces to reveal a clear picture.

This training program offered by Careerist teaches you Data Analytics from scratch. The program is designed to span around 7 and a half months, which includes mentorship, an internship, and also career guidance.

The course provides you with a lot of value, including learning Python, databases, SQL, and more. Furthermore, you’ll gain hands-on experience with Tableau. However, the program does not include R programming, which is used for data importing and cleaning.

It’s great that the program is beginner-friendly and also provides you with an internship, which can be beneficial for your career in data analytics.

How much does this program cost?

The Careerist Data Analytics program costs around $4,800, which I believe is expensive for what they teach. I’m not saying the course is not up to par, but paying that much for it, I wouldn’t recommend it.

Yes, it’s great that you will be provided with an internship and career guidance, but when compared to other data analytics courses, the price still looks expensive to me.

Here, I’d recommend two alternative courses to the Careerist Data Analyst program: the Google Data Analytics Professional Certification and the “Become a Data Analyst” course offered by LinkedIn Learning. Both courses are beginner-friendly and offer similar value while costing far less.

Final Verdict: Is Careerist worth the cost?

Well, I have a somewhat mixed answer: both ‘Yes’ and ‘No.’ If you have read my Careerist review for each training program carefully, without skipping any points, you must understand why I’m saying this.

To summarize my review and express whether Careerist is worth the cost or not, please refer to the table below…

Careerist ProgramCostWhether Value for Money: (my opinion)
Manual QA$4900No
QA Automation$4900Yes
QA Bundle$6900Yes
Sales Engineering$4620Yes
UX/UI Design$4900No
Data Analyst$4800No

I genuinely believe that some programs, such as QA Automation and Sales Engineering, offer good value, and I would definitely recommend anyone to pursue them.

Additionally, what I like most about Careerist is that it provides you with internships and career guidance for each program, allowing you to better understand the industry and gain experience. However, it is disappointing that these internships would not be paid.

For those programs that I have mentioned as ‘NO,’ I believe their alternatives are worth giving a try. I have already featured the best alternatives to those programs, which I believe offer similar value to Careerist programs while costing you far less.

User Reviews with Careerist:

While researching and asking a few users about their reviews with Careerist, I have found some positive and negative feedback also. Here is what some Careerist graduates said about the platform:

“I would never recommend or suggest that anyone give their money or time to Careerist. There are thousands of students, including myself, who have requested refunds. The amount of money paid does not equate to any value in any way whatsoever. You do not receive a refund. Their live classes are filled with fluff, and the internship is not worth the money. The certificate I hold is not recognized by any employers at all.”

“Careerist Mentorship has its strengths, but there’s room for improvement, especially when it comes to dealing with different time zones. However, if you proactively reach out to them, they’ll make an effort to assist you.

Job placement isn’t a cakewalk, partly because companies often seek candidates who are ready to hit the ground running. It would be beneficial if Careerist could establish stronger connections with companies to increase job opportunities for their students.

Given the price tag of $4000+, I believe there’s potential for it to offer even more value. While I won’t say it’s not worth it, there’s room for enhancement in terms of job placement and mentorship. On the bright side, the quality of education and teaching is excellent.”

To sum up my Careerist review, below I’m breaking down some pros and cons of Careerist that you must consider before investing in any of its training programs. Next, we’ll discuss its alternative boot camps, which are also worth giving a try.

What I like about Careerist: [Pros]

It’s great that the platform offers you a free career consultation to help you understand whether the industry you choose is worth pursuing, what you can expect in that industry, and other important considerations.

Having knowledge about a subject is not sufficient; you must have hands-on experience in that field. Careerist and its partners provide internships for all their programs to offer practical working experience. These internships are remote, and you may take them according to your own schedule.

Unlike other online learning platforms, Careerist provides live classes, which I like the most about it. These live sessions take place three times a week, allowing you to interact with instructors and ask any questions you may have. You can also watch the recordings in case you miss a session. I really appreciate their education; all instructors are highly qualified, and they will guide you at every step.

In the final module of every program, Careerist provides a career guidance class where they teach you how the industry works, how you can advance in the industry, and many other important topics. You may also ask any questions or express any doubts you have about the industry.

Most of the platforms where you pursue training programs will surely help you find a job by optimizing your LinkedIn profile, creating an excellent resume, and more. Careerist also offers the same services; however, it goes a step further by providing a job and a money-back guarantee.

(Please note that I’ve also heard that their money-back guarantee does not work. I highly recommend reading their refund policy.)

Careerist’s program costs are not always easy to afford. However, it’s great that the platform offers significant discounts from time to time. You can either visit their site frequently or sign up for our newsletter. As affiliates of Careerist, we receive the first notifications about their discounts and the offers they provide.

What I don’t like about Careerist: [Cons]

If you have checked any program on Careerist, you may have noticed that it does not offer any free trials or free courses. Having a free trial or introductory lesson for free can be helpful to explore any course and see whether you enjoy it or not. If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t be charged any money.

As mentioned earlier, Careerist’s programs often come with a higher cost that may not be easy for everyone to afford. Additionally, if you choose to seek financial assistance or opt for installment payments, the overall cost increases significantly.

It’s great that Careerist provides internships to work in the industry and gain experience, but it’s disappointing that you won’t get paid for any work you do for them.

Alternatives to Careerist:

There are many boot camp platforms that you may choose as an alternative to Careerist. The key point to note here is that not every platform offers the same training programs as Careerist does. Some may offer different courses or include more programs.

For specific programs that Careerist offers, I have already featured their alternatives while comparing their prices and what they include. You may have noticed this while reading my reviews of each Careerist program.

Now, allow me to share the best alternatives to Careerist boot camps that are worth considering as well…


Along with Careerist, you must have heard about CourseCareers. It is one of the most popular bootcamp platforms out there.

It provides training in a total of five industries: Tech Sales, IT, UI/UX, Customer Success, and Human Resources. You may enroll in any program without having any prior knowledge or experience.

Similar to Careerist, this platform also provides excellent course materials, and job training, and helps you get hired quickly. However, it does not provide any free consultations, internships, or job guarantees.

The best part about CourseCareers is that it’s very affordable. No matter which program you choose, it costs only $499 if you make a one-time payment. In case you decide to pay in installments, it will not cost you $600. You also get a 14-day money-back guarantee.

If you’re on a tight budget and want to learn the latest skills such as UX/UI or Information Technology, you may want to give this platform a try.


Springboard is once again the best alternative to Careerist. It offers a job guarantee for all six training programs it provides: Cybersecurity, Software Engineering, UI/UX Design, Data Analytics, Data Science, and Tech Sales.

Springboard also boasts next-level course content, 1:1 mentoring, and career guidance, and prepares you for the job market. However, I noticed that it is somewhat more expensive than Careerist for the same programs, which could be due to its comprehensive coverage of more in-depth topics.

If you’re considering this platform, I recommend exploring it or reading reviews to determine if it’s worth it. In any case, if you’re interested in learning cybersecurity, I highly recommend trying StationX. It not only offers very affordable training but also provides excellent cybersecurity instruction through pre-recorded lectures.

General Assembly:

It’s another learning platform that offers courses in many subjects such as Data Analytics, Data Science, Software Engineering, UI/UX, Programming, Development, and more.

Unlike Careerist, this platform does not provide any career consultation, internships, or job guarantees. Furthermore, you will find that it costs more than Careerist but also offers next-level programs.

All course content and mentorship offered by them are worth appreciating. You may feel like you’re attending an online academy while pursuing a course. Their courses are divided into part-time and full-time learning options.

You can also explore this platform, read reviews, and give it a try if you find the platform worth it. Additionally, you may attend its free workshops and events on different subjects they offer from time to time. This can be beneficial for exploring different career options.

Now It’s Your Turn:

In this Careerist review, I have shared everything you need to know about it, including its major pros and cons, the best alternative bootcamps and courses that you can pursue.

I have also featured two user reviews about this platform so that you can make a better decision. I hope you enjoyed the article and found it helpful.

Now I’d like to hear from you:

Are you going to try Careerist or choose any alternatives?

If you have any queries left or want me to review any other platforms or courses, you can let me know in the comments. I’m always here to help you.

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