12 Sure Ways To Avoid Sleep While Studying

how to avoid sleep while studying

Sleep is crucial for every person and if you’re a student, must take 7-9 hrs of sleep but what if sleep comes across with your study and you feel sleepy while studying?

I know, it’s exhausting! especially when you have exams coming up and you have to study. Right? So, if you’re also suffering from this problem and want to avoid sleep while studying then you have landed in the right place. In this article, we are gonna break down 12 sure ways to avoid sleep and not feel sleepy while studying.

Without any delay let’s dive into it…

1. Go for a walk and take fresh air:

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Ever felt sluggish, distracted, or struggled with grades despite your efforts? These are the exact hurdles I tackle in this ebook. Whether it’s overcoming laziness, battling procrastination, or dealing with distractions, this guide has you covered.

To avoid sleepy feeling first you need to feel refreshed and therefore you should leave your study area and move around while taking natural fresh air.

When you go for a walk around your place it disturbs your sleep. By doing this will not only help you to feel refreshed but also improve your memory, boost your energy, and prevent heart disease. You can also do a small workout at home, which can give you more energy and keep you awake.

So take a break from your study for 10 minutes and either go for a walk or do a small workout, you must have a better focus when you study after.

2. Study in small chunks:

Studying in small chunks helps you to study effectively and take breaks regularly. On the one side, chunking is the idea that it’s easier to remember things rather than cramming in an entire topic all at once, On the other side, taking breaks regularly helps you to stay awake and stay focused.

Pomodoro Technique

You can follow the Pomodoro technique to study in small chunks for 25 minutes with 5-10-minute breaks. In breaks, you can do these activities to avoid your sleepy feeling…

  • Take Tea or Coffee with snacks
  • Take a small nap
  • Use your phone
  • Do a 10-minute workout at home

3. Study with music:

Studying while playing music will not only avoid your sleepy feeling but also help you to concentrate better on your studies.

Yes, studies have shown that music produces several positive effects on a human’s body and brain. Music activates both the left and right brain at the same time, and the activation of both hemispheres can maximize learning, improve memory, and make better your concentration.

However, you don’t have to put your favorite playlist on and then study with it. You have to only listen to music that should be different from your genre and have a repetitive pulse. Choose classical music, instrumental music, or any music that has no lyrics and you won’t have a strong feeling or any emotions with that music.

4. Change your study environment:

Studying only in your bedroom every day is not a good thing, it can make you feel bored and tired. Instead of the bedroom, there are many places where you can study. A place like; a library, coffee shop, park, or any other place are the great ones that will make your study interesting, improve your learning, and give you a better study environment.

If you like to study with others then go to the library and if you like to study alone a coffee shop or park would be great. But make sure the place you choose should be distraction-free and you’re comfortable there, then only it will work.

5. Don’t study while lying in bed:

Studying while lying on a bed or couch can be one of the reasons for your sleepy feeling. When you study in bed or couch while lying, you put your body to rest, and that makes you feel tired and sleepy. Although I made a guide on how you should study in bed still I’d suggest you, use a study table and chair instead.

Using a study table helps you to focus better on your studies while using a right chair gives you the perfect position to sit upright and study. Further, it keeps you away from back pain and neck pain that you often feel while studying lying in bed.

6. Write something instead of reading:

You might have noticed before, that you only feel sleepy while reading or watching video lectures but never feel sleepy when you have to make notes or solve maths problems. Isn’t?

Have you ever thought about why it happens?

To keep yourself awake your body movement is necessary. In the case of reading, you don’t read aloud or you read with eyes that’s why you blink and doze off many times but when you writing something your hand keeps moving and that makes you stay awake. So either read aloud you what read or else write something instead.

7. Try Group Study:

Have you ever involve in Group study or Group Discussion?

Group study is one of the best ways to learn information and moreover avoid your sleepy feeling. Effective study groups can help students learn course material in a deeper, more concrete way. In an active group study not only do you grab others’ knowledge but also you share the knowledge that keeps you engaged with the group and stay awake.

So if you have some friends who listen to you and support your ideas then try to arrange a group study with them, I’m sure you must enjoy while studying.

8. Don’t take a heavy meal just before studying:

Feeling tired, or having difficulty concentrating, after a meal is relatively common. A person may feel particularly tired, depending on what, when, and how much they ate. After taking a heavy meal or foods that are rich in protein and carbohydrates can make people feel sleepier than other foods.

So, whether food is tasty or not rather than eating big meals, eat smaller meals and snacks every few hours to keep up energy levels. A piece of fruit or a handful of nuts should be enough to cure an energy dip.

9. Avoid dim light while studying:

It’s common knowledge that dim light makes you fall asleep while studying. While reading in low light won’t cause lasting damage to your vision, it can cause eyestrain and cause the eyes to become tired faster. So, try to avoid studying in dim light.

Staying focused and on task requires the right amount of brightness. If you study in the daytime then daylight is best for your study. And, if you have to study in your room or at night, use a 40 to 60-watt light bulb for tasks such as reading and writing. Use a 60-watt light bulb for tasks such as using a computer. Not only it will keep your eyes in good condition but also you won’t feel sleepy while studying.

10. Take enough sleep at night:

I have seen many students who don’t get enough sleep at night and it mostly happens when they pull all-nighters or keep using their phone the whole night. If you belong to any of these categories then you’re doing wrong with your health.

As I said in the beginning, a student must get 7-9 hrs of sleep this will help you to feel refreshed and energetic throughout the day, even if you won’t feel sleepy in the daytime. When you complete your sleep at night, it also helps you to stay focused, improve concentration, and improve academic performance.

If you have exams and you have to study the whole night then I must tell you, pulling all-nighters will not help you with your exams, even if you won’t study actively in the daytime as well. However, studying for one hour before bed can be effective.

So, go to bed early, leave your phone half an hour before you go to bed, and get enough sleep at night.

11. Stay hydrated:

Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to avoid sleep while studying. When you wash your eyes it takes you out of sleepy feeling and when you drink lots of water it keeps you awake. With that, there are many benefits of drinking water.

Research has shown that drinking plain water helps one’s brain work faster and boost energy. The study found that when adults drink water, they tend to perform better on mental tests. Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus, and concentrate better and be more alert.

12. Take a power nap:

If you’re feeling too sleepy while studying, then must take a power nap of 20-30 minutes. I know you want to avoid your sleep but taking a small nap can improve your body and brain and they may work better than now.

You might be surprised to know, that according to a 2008 survey from the National Sleep Foundation, 34% of U.S. companies allow naps (1) during breaks at work. So, as a student, you’re also allowed to take power from your study to study effectively later.

Here are some benefits of taking a power nap…

  • Improved concentration and alertness.
  • Better memory recall.
  • Reduced stress levels.
  • Increased stamina.
  • Sharpened motor skills.


While studying, if you feel sleepy then it would be very boring. So in this article, I have shared 12 sure ways through which you can avoid sleep while studying. With all those ways, I tried my best to keep you awake while studying.

Now I’d like to hear from you:

How do you find this article and what are the ways you like most to avoid your sleep while studying?

Let me know in the comment

14 thoughts on “12 Sure Ways To Avoid Sleep While Studying”

  1. Its really useful when i wake up early in the morning but i feel like sleeping and tired and i want to tried this method thanks for your better useful information and also i find this article by a post which you upload on Pinterest


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